Hello, I’m a software engineer by trade; and fitness enthusiast by hobby. I majorly work with JS, Typescript & VueJS. I am growing myself to become a full-stack developer.
https://github.com/git-bhanu/scrapewave 🕷️ ScrapeWave project was created to help me accomplish some scraping tasks. The requirements of the task I...
Quickly upgrade to Ubuntu version 23.10 · You can do the following to upgrade your Ubuntu version to 23.04 version. First, we have to change the Prompt...
Hello everyone, When I am not working at my day job, I usually surf internet and stumble upon some really good articles about tech, productivity, life...
In this short tutorial we will learn how can be reset all the WYSIWYG with empty value using JQuery. · You can find the JS code below if you are just...
In this 2 min blog I will explain how easy it is to setup a webhook url and get data from any external service into your WordPress. 😉 · Before setting...
You might be familiar with var_dump(),now upgrade to kint and become more efficient while you debug your code. · When I started developing on wordpress...